Let your child make choices about what to wear (within reasonable limits).
5 months ago, Ware County Schools
Choose a number from 1-12. How many things can your child think of that come in that number?
5 months ago, Ware County Schools
If your child wants to talk at an inconvenient moment, schedule a time to talk later—and be sure to follow through.
5 months ago, Ware County Schools
Turn over a self-care responsibility you’ve previously done for your child. Present it as a positive step.
5 months ago, Ware County Schools
Have your child make a step-by-step plan to reach a New Year’s goal.
5 months ago, Ware County Schools
Put your child in charge of taking photos at a family event.
5 months ago, Ware County Schools
Suggest that your child write a portion of your family’s year-end letter to send to family and friends.
5 months ago, Ware County Schools
Join us for the WCHS Chorus Winter Concert on Thursday, December 7. Concert begins at 7pm. Admission is $2. Concessions will be available.
6 months ago, Ware County High School
Learn the sign language alphabet with your child. Use it to help practice spelling words.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Choose a Person of the Week. Help your child learn more about that person.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Never let your child forget that you are on the same team.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Make a list of all the things that make your family members thankful.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Enjoy some outdoor exercise as a family today.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Enjoy some outdoor exercise as a family today.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
If you have already said “No,” avoid giving in to repeated demands from your child.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Ask what actions or accomplishments your child is proud of.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
We are seeing a lot of sickness at school. Please do your part to keep sickness from spreading to others. Students who have a fever at or above 100 degrees should remain at home until they have been fever free without fever-reducing medications for at least 24 hours. Please refer to the graphic for additional Information. Thank you!
6 months ago, Paige Coker
too sick for school
Attention Seniors! The deadline for ordering Senior supplies is December 1. See flyer for details.
6 months ago, Ware County High School
Learn a tongue twister together. At dinner, challenge everyone to repeat it three times fast.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Pick a category (such as animals) and a letter. How many items can your child name that fit in that category and start with that letter?
6 months ago, Ware County Schools