Ask what actions or accomplishments your child is proud of.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
We are seeing a lot of sickness at school. Please do your part to keep sickness from spreading to others. Students who have a fever at or above 100 degrees should remain at home until they have been fever free without fever-reducing medications for at least 24 hours. Please refer to the graphic for additional Information. Thank you!
6 months ago, Paige Coker
too sick for school
Learn a tongue twister together. At dinner, challenge everyone to repeat it three times fast.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Pick a category (such as animals) and a letter. How many items can your child name that fit in that category and start with that letter?
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
When you read aloud to your child, choose an exciting place to stop. Ask, “What do you think will happen next?”
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Talk about service. Discuss ways your family can do something for others in the coming holiday season.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Hug your child, for no reason other than to show your love.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Make up a secret code with your child. Use it to write notes this week.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Start a family savings jar. Everyone can decide what the goal will be and how they will contribute.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Talk with your child about ways to handle stress. Getting enough sleep, exercising and talking to someone are helpful options.
7 months ago, Ware County Schools
Set aside some time this month to do something with your child that you enjoyed at the same age.
7 months ago, Ware County Schools
Celebrate National Popcorn Poppin’ Month. Pop some popcorn and curl up with some mystery books.
7 months ago, Ware County Schools
Encourage your child to draw a self-portrait.
7 months ago, Ware County Schools
It’s Theodore Roosevelt’s birthday. Help your child look up interesting facts about this president and protector of the environment.
7 months ago, Ware County Schools
Let your child see you keep your temper when you are upset. Instead of yelling, calmly talk about how you feel.
7 months ago, Ware County Schools
Teach your child to defend against bullying by saying no, walking away from fights and telling an adult.
7 months ago, Ware County Schools
Talk about one of your favorite books. Ask about one of your child’s.
7 months ago, Ware County Schools
Look for signs of fall: changing daylight, colored leaves, pumpkins, etc.
7 months ago, Ware County Schools
Let your child stay up 30 minutes past bedtime as a treat. The catch? The time must be spent reading!
7 months ago, Ware County Schools
Have family members make a list of their strengths. Read them aloud. Add to one another’s lists.
7 months ago, Ware County Schools