Art is Fun!

Did you know that learning about historical artists can be fun? Center's art teacher, Mrs. Kim Smith brought life to the Georgia artist, Alma Woodsey Thomas who was featured at the Ware County Board of Education office during the month of February in recognition of Black History Month.  

Featured in this photo collage, students in Mrs. Arnold's third-grade class are shown working on an art lesson that focused on the artwork and technique practiced by Mrs. Thomas. She was born in Georgia but later moved to Washington, D.C. with her family. She was a middle school art educator for 38 years until she retired. She then became a famous abstract painter. Some of her paintings were selected by the Obamas to be displayed in the White House during their presidential administration. These amazing third-grade art students created artworks celebrating the technique and style of the color-loving painter, Ms. Thomas.  They developed circular designs on large art paper by using a flat-tipped paintbrush and created quick square or rectangular brushstrokes following the shape of the circles. This technique resulted in layers of colorful, overlapping orbs of joy!!